
BroadLink TC3-EU-2 Okoskapcsoló (2 csatornás) + S3 HUB

BroadLink TC3-EU-2 Okoskapcsoló (2 csatornás) + S3 HUB Broadlink S3-TC3 készlet
S3 hubbal és TC3 2 csatornás kapcsolóval Élvezze okosotthona kényelmes
irányítását. A Broadlink S3-TC3 készlet tartalmazza a TC3 2 csatornás kapcsolót
és az S3 hubot, amelyhez akár 8 további kapcsoló is csatlakoztatható. Ráadásul
nem igényel N vonalat. A Google Assistant és az Amazon Alexa kompatibilitásnak
köszönhetően munkabeosztásokat hozhat létre, és hangutasításokkal kezelheti
eszközeit. Intelligens jeleneteket is programozhat az IFTTT használatával. Az
okosotthonban való élet még szórakoztatóbb lett! Szerezzen kényelmes irányítást
okosotthona felett Experience how convenient managing your smart home system can
be. The included S3 hub allows you to control paired devices with a smartphone
via the FastCon protocol at a frequency of 2.4GHz. It can operate up to 8
switches simultaneously and supports 2-way communication with TC3. Now all you
have to do is reach for your phone and launch the app to control specific
equipment from anywhere and create detailed work schedules for them! Functional
switch included The included switch gives you a lot of interesting
possibilities. You can configure it in such a way that it allows you to
conveniently run specific devices or activate intelligent scenes. Thanks to
IFTTT compatibility, it is compatible with over 700 brands of equipment. You
also don't have to worry about problems with configuring the switch. The product
is very easy to install and does not require a neutral wire, which means it will
work great in most homes. Control your devices with your smartphone The TC3-EU
kit will make your life easier in many ways. After setting up your hub,
lighting, and other devices, you can conveniently control your smart home using
the Broadlink app. With the Broadlink app, you can turn your devices on and off
at almost any time, anywhere - whether you're at home or away from home, at work
or on vacation abroad. Create job schedules and try the timer function This is
not the end of the possibilities the application gives you. For example, you can
use it to create schedules for lights and other devices. Do you usually get up
around 7am? Set your lamp and coffee maker to automatically start at that hour.
Or use the timer feature, which makes paired devices automatically turn off
after a set amount of time. Your kid doesn't like the dark? Now you can make the
bedside lamp stop working just after he or she falls asleep! Take advantage of
the opportunities offered by working with IFTTT Want more? We have something
special for you! The included gateway and switch are IFTTT compatible, giving
you the ability to create complex, intelligent scenes using Broadlink and other
brands of devices. For example, you can now make the lights turn on
automatically when you enter the house and turn off when you leave a specific
room. Try it out and see how much you can gain! Control your lighting with your
voice Cooking, both hands busy, and you could use some extra lighting? Or maybe
you want to turn off the light and go to bed, but you do not feel like getting
out of bed? It's not a problem anymore! The included Broadlink devices are
compatible with Google and Alexa assistants. Now with just a few words, the
lighting in your home will adjust to your expectations! In the box Smart light
switch TC3 (2-channel) Smart hub S3 Márka Broadlink Model S3-TC3 Bemeneti
feszültség DC 5V Bemeneti fogyasztás 750mA (mikro USB) Működési hőmérséklet
0°C-50°C Üzemi páratartalom ?85% Vezeték nélküli teljesítmény ?0.69W Vezeték
nélküli kapcsolat Wi-Fi 2.4GHz b/g/n Kommunikációs protokoll FastCon Méretek
46x46x43mm Támogatott rendszerek iOS 7.0, Android 4.0 vagy újabb

Ár: 15.090 Ft
Termék: Egyéb
Feladás dátuma: 2024.07.29
Eddig megtekintették 1 alkalommal
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