TP-LINK Vezetékes Omada AX3000 VPN Router 1xWAN(1000Mbps) +
TP-LINK Vezetékes Omada AX3000 VPN Router 1xWAN(1000Mbps) + 4xLAN(1000Mbps) +
1xSFP + 1xUSB3.0, ER706W HARDVER JELLEMZŐK Csatlakozások ? 1 Gigabit SFP WAN/LAN
Port? 1 Gigabit WAN Port? 4 Gigabit LAN/WAN Ports? 1 USB3.0 (supports USB LTE
dongle and USB Storage) Gomb Reset Button Hálózati tápegység 12VDC / 2A Power
Adapter Wi-Fi Frequency & Signal Rate ? 2.4 GHz: 574 Mbps? 5 GHz: 2402 Mbps
(HE160) Flash 128 MB NAND DRAM 512 MB DDR4 Méretek (Sz x Mé x Ma) 8.9 × 5.2 ×
1.4 in (226 × 131 × 35 mm) (Antenna dimensions are notincluded) Antenna ? 2.4
GHz: 2x 3 dBi dual-band detachable antennas? 5 GHz: 3x 4.5 dBi dual-band
detachable antennas Felszerelés Desktop/Wall-mounting Max. áramfelvétel ? EU:
16.8W (with USB 3.0 connected), 11.8W (without USB 3.0 connected)? US: 22.7W
(with USB 3.0 connected) 18.2W (without USB 3.0 connected) MŰKÖDÉSI JELLEMZŐK
GRE ? Unencrypted: 624.2Mbps? Encrypted: 301.5Mbps WireGuard VPN 393.5Mbps
Egyidejű munkamenet 150,000 New Sessions /Second 5,100 NAT (Static IP) 937.2
Mbps / 936.1Mbps NAT(DHCP) 945.8 Mbps / 940.6Mbps NAT(PPPoE) 942.9 Mbps /
942.9Mbps NAT (L2TP) 837.4 Mbps / 881.5Mbps NAT (PPTP) 803.0 Mbps / 910.5 Mbps
IPsec VPN Throughput ? ESP-SHA1-AES256: 646.9Mbps? ESP-SHA256-AES256: 642.8Mbps?
ESP-SHA384-AES256: 648.9Mbps? ESP-SHA512-AES256: 658.4 Mbps OpenVPN 129.3Mbps
L2TP VPN Throughput ? Unencrypted: 1034.0 Mbps? Encrypted: 570.0 Mbps PPTP VPN
Throughput ? Unencrypted: 1165.0 Mbps? Encrypted: 209.0 Mbps SSL VPN Throughput
126.7Mbps 66 Byte Packet forwarding rate 1,453,489 pps / 1,453,488 pps 1,518
Byte Packet forwarding rate 81,274 pps / 91,275 pps VEZETÉK NÉLKÜLI JELLEMZŐK
További funkciók ? Seamless Roaming? Mesh (with EAP that supports Mesh)? OFDMA?
Beamforming? MU-MIMO? Wireless Encryption: WPA/WPA2/WPA3 Personal, WPA/WPA2/WPA3
Enterprise Vendéghálózat Support ALAPFUNKCIÓK WAN kapcsolati típus ? Static IP?
Dynamic IP? PPPoE (supports MRU Configuration)? PPTP? L2TP MAC klónozása Modify
WAN Address DHCP ? DHCP Server? DHCPv6 PD Server (only in Standalone Mode)? DHCP
Options Customization? DHCP Address Reservation? Multi-IP Interfaces? Multi-Net
DHCP IPv6 StaticIP / SLAAC / DHCPv6 / PPPoE / 6to4Tunnel / PassThrough /
Non-Address mode VLAN 802.1Q VLAN IPTV IGMP v2/v3 Proxy, Custom Mode, Bridge
Mode HALADÓ FUNKCIÓK ACL IP/Port/Protocol/Domain Name Filtering Advanced Routing
? Static Routing? Policy Routing? RIP?? OSPF? Sávszélesség-szabályozás IP-Based
Bandwidth Control Load Balance ? Intelligent Load Balance? Application Optimized
Routing? Link Backup(Timing, Failover)? Online Detection NAT ? One-to-One NAT?
Multi-Net NAT? Port Forwarding? Port Triggering?? NAT-DMZ?
FTP/H.323/SIP/IPSec/PPTP ALG? UPnP Session Limit IP-Based Session Limit VPN SSL
VPN 50 Tunnels IPsec VPN ? 100 IPSec VPN Tunnels? LAN-to-LAN, Client-to-LAN?
Main, Aggressive Negotiation Mode? DES, 3DES, AES128, AES192, AES256 Encryption
Algorithm? IPsec Failover? IKE v1/v2? MD5, SHA1, SHA2-384 and SHA2-512
Authentication Algorithm? NAT Traversal (NAT-T)? Dead Peer Detection (DPD)?
Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) PPTP VPN ? PPTP VPN Server? PPTP VPN Client (10)??
50 Tunnels? PPTP with MPPE Encryption L2TP VPN ? L2TP VPN Server? L2TP VPN
Client (10)?? 50 Tunnels? L2TP over IPSec OpenVPN ? OpenVPN Server? OpenVPN
Client (5)?? 55 OpenVPN Tunnels? Certificate + Account Mode? Full Mode BIZTONSÁG
Szűrés ? Web Group Filtering?? URL Filtering? Web Security? ARP-s támadás elleni
védelem ? Sending GARP Packets? ARP Scanning?? IP-MAC Binding Hálózati támadások
elleni védelem ? TCP/UDP/ICMP Flood Defense? Block TCP Scan (Stealth
FIN/Xmas/Null)? Block Ping from WAN Hozzáférés-vezérlés Source/Destination IP
Based Access Control HITELESÍTÉS Webes hitelesítés ? No Authentication? Simple
Password§? Hotspot (Local User / Voucher§ / SMS§ / Radius§)? External Radius
Sever? External Portal Sever§? LDAP VEZÉRLÉS Omada App Yes. Centralized
Management ? Omada Cloud-Based Controller? Omada Hardware Controller (OC300)?
Omada Hardware Controller (OC200)? Omada Software Controller Cloud Access Yes.
Szolgáltatás Dynamic DNS (Dyndns, No-IP, Peanuthull, Comexe, DDNSCustomization)
Kezelés ? Web Management Interface? Remote Management? Export & Import
Configuration? SNMP v1/v2c/v3? Diagnostics (Ping & Traceroute)?? NTP
Synchronize?? Port Mirroring? CLI (only in Standalone Mode)? Syslog Support
Zero-Touch Provisioning Yes. Require the use of Omada Cloud-Based Controller.
Management Features ? Automatic Device Discovery? Intelligent Network
Monitoring? Abnormal Event Warnings? Unified Configuration? Reboot Schedule?
Captive Portal Configuration EGYÉB JELLEMZŐK Tanúsítványok CE, FCC, RoHS
Csomagolás tartalma ? ER706W? Power Adapter? Quick Installation Guide
Rendszerkövetelmény ? Microsoft Windows 98SE, NT, 2000, XP, Vista? or Windows
7/8/8.1/10/11? MAC OS, NetWare, UNIX or Linux Környezet ? Operating Temperature:
0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F)? Storage Temperature: -40 °C to 70 °C (-40 °F to
158 °F)? Operating Humidity: 10% to 90% non-condensing? Storage Humidity: 5% to
90% non-condensing Standards and Protocols ? IEEE 802.3, 802.3u, 802.3ab, IEEE
IPSec, PPTP, L2TP, OpenVPN, SNMP Interface ? 1 Fixed Gigabit WAN Port? 1 Fixed
Gigabit LAN Port? 3 Changeable Gigabit WAN/LAN Ports Network Media ? 10BASE-T:
UTP category 3, 4, 5 cable (Max 100m)EIA/TIA-568 100? STP (Max 100m)?
100BASE-TX: UTP category 5, 5e cable (Max 100m)EIA/TIA-568 100? STP (Max 100m)?
1000BASE-T: UTP category 5, 5e, 6 cable (Max 100m) Button Reset Button Power
Supply External 9V/0.9A DC Adapter Flash SPI 16MB DRAM 128 MB LED PWR, SYS, WAN,
LAN Dimensions ( W x D x H ) 6.2 × 4.0 × 1.0 in.(158 × 101 × 25mm) PERFORMANCE
Concurrent Session 25,000 IPsec VPN Throughput 41.5 Mbps BASIC FUNCTIONS WAN
Connection Type ? Static/Dynamic IP? PPPoE? PPTP? L2TP MAC Clone Modify WAN/LAN
MAC Address? DHCP ? DHCP Server/Client? DHCP Address Reservation? Multi-net
DHCP*? Multi-IP Interfaces* VLAN 802.1Q VLAN IPTV IGMP v2/v3 Proxy ADVANCED
FUNCTIONS ACL IP/Port/Protocol/Domain Name Filtering Advanced Routing ? Static
Routing? Policy Routing Bandwidth Control ? IP/Port-based Bandwidth Control?
Guarantee & Limited Bandwidth Load Balance ? Intelligent Load Balance?
Application Optimized Routing? Link Backup (Timing§, Failover)? Online Detection
NAT ? One-to-One NAT§? Multi-Net NAT? Virtual Server? Port Triggering§? NAT-DMZ?
FTP/H.323/SIP/IPSec/PPTP ALG, UPnP Security ? SPI Firewall? VPN Passthrough?
FTP/H.323/PPTP/SIP/IPsec ALG? DoS Defence, Ping of Death? Local Management
Session Limit IP-based Session Limit VPN IPsec VPN ? 20 IPsec VPN Tunnels?
LAN-to-LAN, Client-to-LAN? Main, Aggressive Negotiation Mode? DES, 3DES, AES128,
AES192, AES256 Encryption Algorithm? IKEv1/v2*? MD5, SHA1 Authentication
Algorithm? NAT Traversal (NAT-T)? Dead Peer Detection (DPD)? Perfect Forward
Secrecy (PFS)*These functions require the use of Omada Hardware Controller,
Software Controller, or Cloud-Based Controller PPTP VPN ? PPTP VPN Server? 10
PPTP VPN Clients? 16 Tunnels? PPTP with MPPE Encryption L2TP VPN ? L2TP VPN
Server? 10 L2TP VPN Clients? 16 Tunnels? L2TP over IPSec OpenVPN ? OpenVPN
Server*? 10 OpenVPN Clients*? 16 OpenVPN Tunnels* SECURITY Filtering WEB Group
Filtering§URL FilteringWeb Security§ ARP Inspection ? Sending GARP Packets§? ARP
Scanning§? IP-MAC Binding§ Attack Defense ? TCP/UDP/ICMP Flood Defense? Block
TCP Scan (Stealth FIN/Xmas/Null)? Block Ping from WAN Access Control
Source/Destination IP Based Access Control AUTHENTICATION Web Authentication ?
No Authentication? Simple Password*? Hotspot(Local User / Voucher* / SMS* /
Radius*)? External Radius Sever? External Portal Sever*? Facebook* MANAGEMENT
Omada App Yes Centralized Management ? Omada Cloud-Based Controller? Omada
Hardware Controller (OC300)? Omada Hardware Controller (OC200)? Omada Software
Controller Cloud Access Yes (Through OC300, OC200, Omada Cloud-Based Controller,
or Omada Software Controller) Service Dynamic DNS (Dyndns, No-IP, Peanuthull,
Comexe) Maintenance ? Time Setting? Diagnostic? Firmware Upgrade? Factory
Defaults/Reboot? Backup&Restore? System Log? Remote Management? Statistics?
Controller Settings? SNMP Management Features ? Automatic Device Discovery?
Intelligent Network Monitoring? Abnormal Event Warnings? Unified Configuration?
Reboot Schedule? Captive Portal Configuration? ZTP (Zero-Touch Provisioning)**
OTHERS Certification CE, FCC, RoHS Package Contents ? Gigabti VPN Router ER605?
Power Adapter? RJ45 Ethernet Cable? Quick Installation Guide Environment ?
Operating Temperature: 0?40 ? (32?104 ?);? Storage Temperature: -40?70 ?
(-40?158 ?)? Operating Humidity: 10?90% RH non-condensing? Storage Humidity:
5?90% RH non-condensing
1xSFP + 1xUSB3.0, ER706W HARDVER JELLEMZŐK Csatlakozások ? 1 Gigabit SFP WAN/LAN
Port? 1 Gigabit WAN Port? 4 Gigabit LAN/WAN Ports? 1 USB3.0 (supports USB LTE
dongle and USB Storage) Gomb Reset Button Hálózati tápegység 12VDC / 2A Power
Adapter Wi-Fi Frequency & Signal Rate ? 2.4 GHz: 574 Mbps? 5 GHz: 2402 Mbps
(HE160) Flash 128 MB NAND DRAM 512 MB DDR4 Méretek (Sz x Mé x Ma) 8.9 × 5.2 ×
1.4 in (226 × 131 × 35 mm) (Antenna dimensions are notincluded) Antenna ? 2.4
GHz: 2x 3 dBi dual-band detachable antennas? 5 GHz: 3x 4.5 dBi dual-band
detachable antennas Felszerelés Desktop/Wall-mounting Max. áramfelvétel ? EU:
16.8W (with USB 3.0 connected), 11.8W (without USB 3.0 connected)? US: 22.7W
(with USB 3.0 connected) 18.2W (without USB 3.0 connected) MŰKÖDÉSI JELLEMZŐK
GRE ? Unencrypted: 624.2Mbps? Encrypted: 301.5Mbps WireGuard VPN 393.5Mbps
Egyidejű munkamenet 150,000 New Sessions /Second 5,100 NAT (Static IP) 937.2
Mbps / 936.1Mbps NAT(DHCP) 945.8 Mbps / 940.6Mbps NAT(PPPoE) 942.9 Mbps /
942.9Mbps NAT (L2TP) 837.4 Mbps / 881.5Mbps NAT (PPTP) 803.0 Mbps / 910.5 Mbps
IPsec VPN Throughput ? ESP-SHA1-AES256: 646.9Mbps? ESP-SHA256-AES256: 642.8Mbps?
ESP-SHA384-AES256: 648.9Mbps? ESP-SHA512-AES256: 658.4 Mbps OpenVPN 129.3Mbps
L2TP VPN Throughput ? Unencrypted: 1034.0 Mbps? Encrypted: 570.0 Mbps PPTP VPN
Throughput ? Unencrypted: 1165.0 Mbps? Encrypted: 209.0 Mbps SSL VPN Throughput
126.7Mbps 66 Byte Packet forwarding rate 1,453,489 pps / 1,453,488 pps 1,518
Byte Packet forwarding rate 81,274 pps / 91,275 pps VEZETÉK NÉLKÜLI JELLEMZŐK
További funkciók ? Seamless Roaming? Mesh (with EAP that supports Mesh)? OFDMA?
Beamforming? MU-MIMO? Wireless Encryption: WPA/WPA2/WPA3 Personal, WPA/WPA2/WPA3
Enterprise Vendéghálózat Support ALAPFUNKCIÓK WAN kapcsolati típus ? Static IP?
Dynamic IP? PPPoE (supports MRU Configuration)? PPTP? L2TP MAC klónozása Modify
WAN Address DHCP ? DHCP Server? DHCPv6 PD Server (only in Standalone Mode)? DHCP
Options Customization? DHCP Address Reservation? Multi-IP Interfaces? Multi-Net
DHCP IPv6 StaticIP / SLAAC / DHCPv6 / PPPoE / 6to4Tunnel / PassThrough /
Non-Address mode VLAN 802.1Q VLAN IPTV IGMP v2/v3 Proxy, Custom Mode, Bridge
Mode HALADÓ FUNKCIÓK ACL IP/Port/Protocol/Domain Name Filtering Advanced Routing
? Static Routing? Policy Routing? RIP?? OSPF? Sávszélesség-szabályozás IP-Based
Bandwidth Control Load Balance ? Intelligent Load Balance? Application Optimized
Routing? Link Backup(Timing, Failover)? Online Detection NAT ? One-to-One NAT?
Multi-Net NAT? Port Forwarding? Port Triggering?? NAT-DMZ?
FTP/H.323/SIP/IPSec/PPTP ALG? UPnP Session Limit IP-Based Session Limit VPN SSL
VPN 50 Tunnels IPsec VPN ? 100 IPSec VPN Tunnels? LAN-to-LAN, Client-to-LAN?
Main, Aggressive Negotiation Mode? DES, 3DES, AES128, AES192, AES256 Encryption
Algorithm? IPsec Failover? IKE v1/v2? MD5, SHA1, SHA2-384 and SHA2-512
Authentication Algorithm? NAT Traversal (NAT-T)? Dead Peer Detection (DPD)?
Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) PPTP VPN ? PPTP VPN Server? PPTP VPN Client (10)??
50 Tunnels? PPTP with MPPE Encryption L2TP VPN ? L2TP VPN Server? L2TP VPN
Client (10)?? 50 Tunnels? L2TP over IPSec OpenVPN ? OpenVPN Server? OpenVPN
Client (5)?? 55 OpenVPN Tunnels? Certificate + Account Mode? Full Mode BIZTONSÁG
Szűrés ? Web Group Filtering?? URL Filtering? Web Security? ARP-s támadás elleni
védelem ? Sending GARP Packets? ARP Scanning?? IP-MAC Binding Hálózati támadások
elleni védelem ? TCP/UDP/ICMP Flood Defense? Block TCP Scan (Stealth
FIN/Xmas/Null)? Block Ping from WAN Hozzáférés-vezérlés Source/Destination IP
Based Access Control HITELESÍTÉS Webes hitelesítés ? No Authentication? Simple
Password§? Hotspot (Local User / Voucher§ / SMS§ / Radius§)? External Radius
Sever? External Portal Sever§? LDAP VEZÉRLÉS Omada App Yes. Centralized
Management ? Omada Cloud-Based Controller? Omada Hardware Controller (OC300)?
Omada Hardware Controller (OC200)? Omada Software Controller Cloud Access Yes.
Szolgáltatás Dynamic DNS (Dyndns, No-IP, Peanuthull, Comexe, DDNSCustomization)
Kezelés ? Web Management Interface? Remote Management? Export & Import
Configuration? SNMP v1/v2c/v3? Diagnostics (Ping & Traceroute)?? NTP
Synchronize?? Port Mirroring? CLI (only in Standalone Mode)? Syslog Support
Zero-Touch Provisioning Yes. Require the use of Omada Cloud-Based Controller.
Management Features ? Automatic Device Discovery? Intelligent Network
Monitoring? Abnormal Event Warnings? Unified Configuration? Reboot Schedule?
Captive Portal Configuration EGYÉB JELLEMZŐK Tanúsítványok CE, FCC, RoHS
Csomagolás tartalma ? ER706W? Power Adapter? Quick Installation Guide
Rendszerkövetelmény ? Microsoft Windows 98SE, NT, 2000, XP, Vista? or Windows
7/8/8.1/10/11? MAC OS, NetWare, UNIX or Linux Környezet ? Operating Temperature:
0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F)? Storage Temperature: -40 °C to 70 °C (-40 °F to
158 °F)? Operating Humidity: 10% to 90% non-condensing? Storage Humidity: 5% to
90% non-condensing Standards and Protocols ? IEEE 802.3, 802.3u, 802.3ab, IEEE
IPSec, PPTP, L2TP, OpenVPN, SNMP Interface ? 1 Fixed Gigabit WAN Port? 1 Fixed
Gigabit LAN Port? 3 Changeable Gigabit WAN/LAN Ports Network Media ? 10BASE-T:
UTP category 3, 4, 5 cable (Max 100m)EIA/TIA-568 100? STP (Max 100m)?
100BASE-TX: UTP category 5, 5e cable (Max 100m)EIA/TIA-568 100? STP (Max 100m)?
1000BASE-T: UTP category 5, 5e, 6 cable (Max 100m) Button Reset Button Power
Supply External 9V/0.9A DC Adapter Flash SPI 16MB DRAM 128 MB LED PWR, SYS, WAN,
LAN Dimensions ( W x D x H ) 6.2 × 4.0 × 1.0 in.(158 × 101 × 25mm) PERFORMANCE
Concurrent Session 25,000 IPsec VPN Throughput 41.5 Mbps BASIC FUNCTIONS WAN
Connection Type ? Static/Dynamic IP? PPPoE? PPTP? L2TP MAC Clone Modify WAN/LAN
MAC Address? DHCP ? DHCP Server/Client? DHCP Address Reservation? Multi-net
DHCP*? Multi-IP Interfaces* VLAN 802.1Q VLAN IPTV IGMP v2/v3 Proxy ADVANCED
FUNCTIONS ACL IP/Port/Protocol/Domain Name Filtering Advanced Routing ? Static
Routing? Policy Routing Bandwidth Control ? IP/Port-based Bandwidth Control?
Guarantee & Limited Bandwidth Load Balance ? Intelligent Load Balance?
Application Optimized Routing? Link Backup (Timing§, Failover)? Online Detection
NAT ? One-to-One NAT§? Multi-Net NAT? Virtual Server? Port Triggering§? NAT-DMZ?
FTP/H.323/SIP/IPSec/PPTP ALG, UPnP Security ? SPI Firewall? VPN Passthrough?
FTP/H.323/PPTP/SIP/IPsec ALG? DoS Defence, Ping of Death? Local Management
Session Limit IP-based Session Limit VPN IPsec VPN ? 20 IPsec VPN Tunnels?
LAN-to-LAN, Client-to-LAN? Main, Aggressive Negotiation Mode? DES, 3DES, AES128,
AES192, AES256 Encryption Algorithm? IKEv1/v2*? MD5, SHA1 Authentication
Algorithm? NAT Traversal (NAT-T)? Dead Peer Detection (DPD)? Perfect Forward
Secrecy (PFS)*These functions require the use of Omada Hardware Controller,
Software Controller, or Cloud-Based Controller PPTP VPN ? PPTP VPN Server? 10
PPTP VPN Clients? 16 Tunnels? PPTP with MPPE Encryption L2TP VPN ? L2TP VPN
Server? 10 L2TP VPN Clients? 16 Tunnels? L2TP over IPSec OpenVPN ? OpenVPN
Server*? 10 OpenVPN Clients*? 16 OpenVPN Tunnels* SECURITY Filtering WEB Group
Filtering§URL FilteringWeb Security§ ARP Inspection ? Sending GARP Packets§? ARP
Scanning§? IP-MAC Binding§ Attack Defense ? TCP/UDP/ICMP Flood Defense? Block
TCP Scan (Stealth FIN/Xmas/Null)? Block Ping from WAN Access Control
Source/Destination IP Based Access Control AUTHENTICATION Web Authentication ?
No Authentication? Simple Password*? Hotspot(Local User / Voucher* / SMS* /
Radius*)? External Radius Sever? External Portal Sever*? Facebook* MANAGEMENT
Omada App Yes Centralized Management ? Omada Cloud-Based Controller? Omada
Hardware Controller (OC300)? Omada Hardware Controller (OC200)? Omada Software
Controller Cloud Access Yes (Through OC300, OC200, Omada Cloud-Based Controller,
or Omada Software Controller) Service Dynamic DNS (Dyndns, No-IP, Peanuthull,
Comexe) Maintenance ? Time Setting? Diagnostic? Firmware Upgrade? Factory
Defaults/Reboot? Backup&Restore? System Log? Remote Management? Statistics?
Controller Settings? SNMP Management Features ? Automatic Device Discovery?
Intelligent Network Monitoring? Abnormal Event Warnings? Unified Configuration?
Reboot Schedule? Captive Portal Configuration? ZTP (Zero-Touch Provisioning)**
OTHERS Certification CE, FCC, RoHS Package Contents ? Gigabti VPN Router ER605?
Power Adapter? RJ45 Ethernet Cable? Quick Installation Guide Environment ?
Operating Temperature: 0?40 ? (32?104 ?);? Storage Temperature: -40?70 ?
(-40?158 ?)? Operating Humidity: 10?90% RH non-condensing? Storage Humidity:
5?90% RH non-condensing

Ár: | 83.690 Ft |
A hirdető: | Kereskedőtől |
Értékesítés típusa: | Eladó |
Termék: | Egyéb számítógép alkatrészek, kiegészítők |
Feladás dátuma: | 2025.03.06 |
Eddig megtekintették 7 alkalommal |
A hirdető adatai

Számítógépek rovaton belül a(z) "TP-LINK Vezetékes Omada AX3000 VPN Router 1xWAN(1000Mbps) + " című hirdetést látja. (fent)