

Edited by Pál Fodor, Gyula Mayer, Martina Monostori, Kornél Szovák and László
Takács MTA BTK Történettudományi Intézet, 2013 The volume of essays entitled
More modoque. Die Wurzeln der europäischen Kultur und deren Rezeption im Orient
und Okzident has been published by the Research Centre for the Humanities of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences with the contribution of the Research Centre for
Ancient Studies (MTA Ókortudományi Kutatócsoport) in the honour of the classical
philologist and prominent scholar of orientalism, Prof. Miklós Maróth on his
70th birthday. The papers have been selected and edited by Pál Fodor, Gyula
Mayer, Martina Monostori, Kornél Szovák and László Takács. A kötet adatai:
Formátum: B/5 Kötés: keménytáblás Megjelenés éve: 2013 Terjedelem: 567 oldal
Inhalt Tabula gratulatoria Zum Geleit I. Griechenland in der Antike und Byzanz
Zsigmond Ritoók Invokationen. Ein Abriss Zsolt Adorjáni Lyric and Prophecy: The
Poetics of the Homeric Hymn to Hermes Pat Easterling Authority without a Name: A
Note on Traditional Wisdom in Greek Tragedy László Horváth The Importance of
Delivery: The Background of an Illustrative Anecdote Marwan R ashed Méléagre de
Gadara: Quatre počmes autobiographiques mal compris (Anth. gr. VII 416, 417,
418, 419) Tamás Mészáros Byzantine Metrical Scholia on Thucydides Elvira Pataki
Platon le poisson, ou Platon la cigale. Notes sur des images métapoétiques dans
les Silloi de Timon de Phlionte Péter Lautner Accounting for the Lack. Why Is
There No Discussion of Plato?s Theory of Sense-perception in the Neoplatonic
Commentaries on Aristotle? De anima? Tibor Szepessy Heliodoros and the Maccabees
Christian Gastgeber Dioskuridiana. Miscellanea zum Wiener Dioskurides Codex Med.
gr. 1 Zoltán Farkas An Interpretation of Michael Psellus? or. theol. 19 II. Rom
bis zum Ende der Antike Gregory Nagy Virgil's Verse invitus, regina... and Its
Poetic Antecedents László Takács Bemerkungen zur Vergil-Kritik des L. Annaeus
Cornutus László Havas Le portrait du peuple romain, dessiné par Florus d?aprčs
la tradition littéraire sur Alexandre le Grand Zsolt Visy A New Military Diploma
from Pannonia Inferior Péter Kovács Constantine, the Sarmatians, the Goths and
Pannonia III. Der Orient und seine Verknüpfung mit dem Westen Sebastian Brock
The Letter of the Emperor Julian to Basil of Caesarea, and Basil?s Reply, in a
Syriac Translation Erica C. D. Hunter Syr HT 140: Commemorating Mar Cyriacus and
Julitta Nicholas Sims-Williams A Sogdian Fragment of the Martyrdom of Cyriacus
and Julitta Zoltán Szombathy Between Myth and Genealogy: A Lineage History in
Arabic from Ghana Orsolya Varsányi The Terminology of Body in Ninth-century
Christian Apology Gotthard Strohmaier Koranische Kosmologie und das
Zusammentreffen der beiden Meere Abdessamad Belhaj Crossroads of Reflection:
Avicenna and ?Abd al-Jabb?r on the Widely- transmitted Propositions Carmela
Baffioni The Terms Ibd??, al-Mubda? al-Awwal, and Mubda??t in the Ras??il Ikhw?n
al-Ńaf?? Dominique Urvoy Pensée spéculative et choix de langue dans l?aire
moyen-orientale et méditerranéenne médiévale Marie-ThérČse Urvoy La perception
ambiguë du monde non islamique par un lettré musulman du XIIe sičcle Charles E.
Butterworth How to Read Alfarabi Anna Flóra Kis Theory of Research: al-Farabi?s
Commentary on Aristotle?s Topics Jules Janssens Ibn S?n? on Substance in Chapter
Two of the Ma?q?l?t (Categories) of the Shif?? István Lánczky Avicenna on the
Afterlife: An Attempt to Resolve the Problem of the Bodily Dispositions Balázs
Major ?Ankl?s? ? A Possible Trace of European Presence in the Medieval Syrian
Vocabulary António Dias Farinha Le commerce de Berbérie et la premiere banque au
Portugal (1465) Pál Fodor Hungary between East and West: The Ottoman Turkish
Legacy György Hazai Zur Geschichte einer klassisch-arabischen Literaturgattung
in der altosmanischen Literatur Iván Szántó Warrior under the Glaze: A Ceramic
Panel from Ottoman Aleppo Bert G. Fragner Gelehrtes ?networking? in Zeiten des
Kalten Krieges: Persische Diplomatik als ein grenzüberschreitender
Forschungsgegenstand IV. Renaissance und Humanismus Rémi Brague La transmission
de l?héritage antique: Le rapport ŕ la tradition Hans Daiber Ramon Llull as a
Humanist Josef Puig Montada Vicente Galarza und seine Vorlesungen über
altklassische Philosophie Kornél Szovák Beweisführung in politischen Briefen des
12?13. Jahrhunderts aus Ungarn Daniel ?koviera De contemptu mundi auf zweierlei
Weise: Erasmus von Rotterdam und Valentinus Ecchius C. Edmund Bosworth An
Elizabethan English Traveller in Eastern Europe 1593: Fynes Moryson and His
Itinerary Nicol Sipeki Syntaxis ornata or System of Language Virtues in a
Stylistic and Rhetorical Tradition in Jesuit Education Péter Tusor Why did
Pázmány of the Jesuit Order Become a Somascan? Bibliographie der Werken von
Miklós Maróth (Ádám Bujdosó) Register der alten Eigennamen

Ár: 7.565 Ft
A hirdető: Kereskedőtől
Értékesítés típusa: Eladó
Feladás dátuma: 2025.01.30
Eddig megtekintették 4 alkalommal
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