
Joseph Conrad - Heart of Darkness

HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics.
?The reaches opened before us and closed behind, as if the forest had stepped
leisurely across the water to bar the way for our return. We penetrated deeper
and deeper into the heart of darkness.? At the peak of European Imperialism,
steamboat captain Charles Marlow travels deep into the African Congo on his way
to relieve the elusive Mr Kurtz, an ivory trader renowned for his fearsome
reputation. On his journey into the unknown Marlow takes a terrifying trip into
his own subconscious, overwhelmed by his menacing, perilous and horrifying
surroundings. The landscape and the people he meets force him to reflect on
human nature and society, and in turn Conrad writes revealingly about the
dangers of imperialism.

Ár: 1.530 Ft
Könyvkereső: Nyelvtanulási
Feladás dátuma: 2024.10.12
Eddig megtekintették 4 alkalommal
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Joseph Conrad - Heart of Darkness

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