
Bahia - Bradt

1st edition ? DECEMBER 2010 240 PAGES ? 16 PAGES OF COLOUR PHOTOS ? 30 MAPS When
Brazilians are far from home they dream of Bahia; its powder-fine beaches and
reef-ringed islands; the waterfalls in the Diamond mountains of the arid sertăo,
and the cobbled streets and pastel-painted houses in Salvador. Tourists are now
starting to discover a taste for spicy Bahian cuisine after watching displays of
gymnastic capoeira or attempting the rhythms of axé-samba at the world's largest
Mardi Gras carnival. Bradt's Bahia leads travellers to the Baroque splendour of
the capital, Salvador and relaxes at Trancoso's tropical spas. Whether strolling
along deserted beaches or wandering far from the beaten path to view exotic
wildlife, visitors will find author Alex Robinson's meticulously researched
Bahia an indispensable companion. It is the only English-language guidebook
dedicated to this exciting, undiscovered destination. * The first and only
guidebook dedicated solely to Bahia and Salvador * 30 detailed maps, including
seven maps on the capital, Salvador and trekking maps for the Chapada Diamantina
* Details on high-profile sites such as the World Heritage Sites of Salvador,
the Discovery Coast rainforests and the sertăo, its wildlife and conservation *
Information on Bahian music such bossa nova and samba, and also lively features
on African-Brazilian religion, culture, cuisine, carnivals and capoeira

Ár: 9.000 Ft
A hirdető: Kereskedőtől
Értékesítés típusa: Eladó
Állapota: Új
Feladás dátuma: 2024.09.22
Eddig megtekintették 122 alkalommal
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Bahia - Bradt

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